Marvel Snap Best Decks


Marvel Snap features top decks to help you win cubes and advance in the ladder. These often utilize cheaper cards that gain benefits upon destruction.

Bounce decks are an exciting new archetype that is tremendously fun to play. These decks depend on cards like Kitty Pryde and hit-monkey and scaler cards such as Angela and Bishop to develop power on the board.

Destruct Decks

The Destroy Deck archetype in Marvel Snap is increasingly popular, employing cards that benefit when destroyed alongside those that excel at doing just that – creating an optimal combination that is difficult to counter. This approach makes a powerful deck that can be hard to combat opponents! Deadpool, Wolverine, and Bucky Barnes all benefit from being destroyed, while other cards, such as Venom and Carnage, may provide bonuses when they destroy other cards. Last season’s introduction of Phoenix Force ideally supplemented this archetype, allowing players to both revive destroyed cards while increasing maneuverability. This season’s Big in Japan season has introduced many new cards like Daken, Lady Deathstrike, X-23, and Silver Samurai that fit effortlessly into this deck.

Though these decks tend to be expensive, the destruction mechanic makes them more cost-efficient than their counterparts, as cards such as Death become one energy cheaper each time one of its opponents is destroyed in a match. This allows players to focus more on playing powerful cards to ensure dominance at critical locations while providing late-game finishers like Death or Knull for increased damage output and late-game finishing power.

Nova is an excellent example of this concept; it can be obtained with just one cost and provides two powers. Furthermore, its unique ability to give other friendly cards +1 power when destroyed makes this card integral part of many beat decks – mainly when combined with Leader, which duplicates enemy cards, and Aero, which pulls them toward the friendly side of the board.

Shuri is another strong option in this deck archetype; she can double the power of any character she destroys and allows players to add strength to their characters rapidly and quickly. As Big in Japan continues, we may witness more cards that support this already powerful destroy deck archetype; be on the lookout for tools that help players build the optimal destroy deck possible!

Bounce Decks

Marvel Snap is an action-packed game, often providing its most robust punch on Turn 6. Deckbuilding often revolves around creating something big to go off during this window. But there is one deck archetype that doesn’t focus on building something massive right off the bat; rather it relies on bouncing cards into its hand before returning them later – while not necessarily consistent, but still very powerful in today’s meta.

These decks rely on cards like Green Goblin and Hobgoblin to occupy locations and reduce opponents’ power points while simultaneously introducing powerful character effects like Bishop. Such decks can go off quickly thanks to Power hits and the ability to reactivate On Reveal effects – especially if players get in with characters like Sera Control or Darkhawk, who can activate themselves back again.

Bounce Decks can be vulnerable against field-swarming decks such as Patriot and Devil Dinosaur. Still, they have some excellent counterplay in Falcon or Kitty Pryde to provide robust responses. Both characters can clear any 1-Cost card in your opponent’s location, and Kitty can reactivate on-reveal effects to give an extra 2 Power boost in addition to her abilities.

Discard Decks can be complex yet highly effective in Marvel Snap. By taking advantage of cards that gain power through discarding into their hand, these decks can quickly gain control of critical locations while taking control of late-game battles through powerful cards such as Heimdal, Cloak, or Iron Fist.

Marvel Snap is generally an even and fair game. Although it’s possible to win every match, this rarely occurs, and losing multiple times can even happen to some of the best players. Building an optimal deck that capitalizes on all aspects of its mechanics will ensure success for all participants.

Control Decks

Control decks focus on slowing the opponent’s tempo down and protecting themselves against attacks. They use various card types to gain board control, generate value, and slowly decrease life total until an avalanche of creatures and ruins overpower them. Control decks excel against beatdown strategies and can be effective against hut spam decks and spell bait systems.

Control decks often employ disruptive strategies to disrupt other deck synergies, whether by interfering with creature kill chains using silence or removing combo pieces with cards like Assassin’s Gambit and Inferno Tower. Such disruption is critical in disrupting opponents’ connections to keep momentum from building in late games.

These decks also include various removal cards ranging from basic choices such as Sunder to more advanced AoE cards like Electro Wizard and Dragon’s Fury. While these removal cards don’t deal as much damage, they still provide effective means of slowing the opponent’s tempo down, combined with draw or ramp cards to help give these decks their necessary speed.

Last, these decks often incorporate ways of gaining an elixir advantage. This may come through using powerful creatures, like Horik Dig, or card types like Chromeosaur and Old Fogey that allow them to gain elixir even while countering attacks from opponents – something precious against more efficient beatdown and rogue decks that rely heavily on cheap units to gain early momentum and outvalue their opponents.

Control decks don’t have a uniform approach, but many share certain key traits. Control decks tend to be ineffective at gaining tempo due to not possessing fast draws as aggro, and combo decks do due to cards with higher mana costs having lower tempo. Furthermore, many vital cards lack early cheap plays that could catch and expose them off guard.

High Evolutionary Decks

High Evolutionary has added an exciting new element to Marvel Snap as one of its Big Bads. High Evolutionary, like Hulk, Wasp, Cyclops, and The Thing, can provide massive buffs to cards without an effect. This represents a fantastic boost for these legendary heroes who had previously been sidelined due to lack of ability. Now, they can unleash their full power in powerful decks! Unfortunately, however, building the optimal High Evolutionary Marvel Snap deck may prove a difficult challenge, with this guide providing tips and tricks on creating one!

High Evolutionary’s primary mechanic for synergizing with any deck is reducing opponent cards’ powers with their secret abilities, including Hazmat’s low cost. Hazmat on reveal affects all enemy cards with less Power; Abomination costs one less for every card in an opponent player’s hand that has reduced power; Scorpion and Spider-Woman further add to this debuff effect.

High Evolutionary’s effect can also be harnessed by fielding decks that “float” energy – not using all available power each turn – allowing quick starts and allowing you to play cards like Sunspot and She-Hulk more quickly. Other cards that thrive in these decks include Wasp and Thing, who mess up opponent math by reducing card power; Nebula, who provides control and field manipulation; and Storm, who unlocks evolved Cyclops for powerful power play opportunities.

These two strategies are the primary options with High Evolutionary, though other decks also exist. What matters most is having a solid plan for early and late-game action – this means skipping turns as necessary while inflicting debuffs with your cards to save energy for power plays later on.